Television, peers and music impacts most of a child’s development. Do what extent do you agree or disagree?

Television, peers and music impacts most of a child’s development. Do what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often asserted that a person is made up by its environment. Without a doubt influences from different entities throughout the developmental process play a crucial role. Certain individuals claim that TV, peers and music are the ones which impact a child, however some argue that nothing beats family.

Evidently, it is undeniable that how children nowadays present and project themselves is a reflection of the trends shown on the television. They tend to even imitate how celebrities perceive life in general thus, they ink themselves, dress differently and further enforced by friends they have. To belong in a particular circle, a young person could be forced to do task. A violent act to please his/her friends until it becomes an enjoyable routine. Another one is music by which different genre depicts view like metal rock for rebellion to illustrate. These are some instances where tube, friends and music put marks in the lives of the young.

On the other hand, the part of a family in the development of a child is persuasively more important. From infancy to the series of milestone, it is the family that the rudiments of life is learned which vibrates through one’s life. Admittedly, there are innate qualities of a person but most of the personality and essential traits to thrive in this world is taught and seen within a family, thereby such scenario is mirrored through a child’s developmental stages.

Meanwhile, it is true that TV, friends and music greatly influence a child through ages, but family plays a greater role and as serves as a compass for a child life since their presence throughout the process is always there. To even pin it down, TV, friends, and music inevitably change and may not suit for a child but a family always have a room for a child from innocence to maturity.

In conclusion, both things such as TV, friends and music, as well as the family affect a growing child. I personally believe however, that family is more vital in child’s upbringing.


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