
Vice Mayor:

Land Area (in Hectares):
Total Population*:
No. of Registered Voters**:
Income Class:
No. of Barangays:


The legal existence of the municipality of Kapangan is by virtue of Act No. 48 passed and approved on November 22, 1900 during the American Civil Government.

After some time, Republic Act No. 4695 was passed on June 18, 1966. This Act was called the Division Law separating Benguet from its mother province, the Old Mountain Province. With the separation of Benguet as a province, it maintained her thirteen municipalities, among them the municipality of Kapangan.

Kapangan is presently divided into fifteen barangays, namely: Balakbak, Beleng-Belis, Boklaoan, Cayapes, Central Kapangan, Cuba, Datakan, Gadang, Gaswiling, Labueg, Paykek, Pongayan, Pudong, Sagubo and Taba-ao.

Atty. Liso Agpas, elected Board Member of Benguet, was the mayor from 1986 to 1998 and was succeeded by Rogelio Leon in 1998 who will serve as mayor up to 2001.

    *   - 2010 NSO Census of Population
    **  - 2010 Partial Data from COMELEC


Kapangan is located within 16°33" to 16°41" latitude and 120°29" to 120°40" longitude. It is about 29 kilometers away from the capital town of La Trinidad. It is bounded on the north by Kibungan, on the south by Tublay, on the southwest by Sablan, on the east by Atok, and on the west by the province of La Union.

The total land area of Kapangan is estimated to be 17,327 hectares or 6.68% of the total land area of the province of Benguet.

The municipality's terrain is characterized by rugged mountains and hills. Rugged mountains have slopes of 50% while hills have slopes from 30%-50%. The highest elevation is 1,700 meters above sea level while the lowest level is 200 meters above sea level.

Climate is divided into two seasons - the wet and the dry. Wet season occurs from the months of May to October while dry season occurs November to April.


Kapangan has a total population of 15,326 inhabitants in 3,145 households registering an annual growth rate of 0.30% covering the year 1990-1995.

Kankana-ey and Ibaloi are the major ethnic groups and dialects of the municipality.

The municipality currently has 27 elementary schools and 5 secondary schools.  GBDAIS Main is the only big school categorized in the secondary and was been a pilot school to implement the K12 program of DepEd. I’d like to focus further in this blog the history of GBDAIS Main as of 2016 as narrated by Isabel A. Aquino, former Head Teacher V now  promoted as School Principal I of Evelio Javier Memorial National High School Main.

Brief History of GBDAIS
As of 2016

On June 18, 1961, Benguet Vocational School now Gov. Bado Dangwa Agro-Industrial School surfaced into existence by virtue of R.A. No. 3405, authored by Congressman Ramon P. Mitra Sr. as his tangible gratitude to his political friend, the former governor of the old Mt. Province- Gov. Bado Dangwa and to the local residents of Balakbak for giving him a unanimous vote in three succeeding congressional elections giving his opponent a Zero vote. Gov. Bado Dangwa Agro-Industrial School was the first public vocational school ever established in the old mountain Province making it the oldest existing institution of vocational and academic training.
Its first curriculum consisted of complete four- year secondary Trade with academic subjects. The vocational courses were furniture and Cabinet Making, Building Construction now known as Civil Technology, Dressmaking and Food Trades. As a newly operated institution, pioneer teachers who were vocationally trained- mentors handled both vocational and academic subjects. There were 48 enrollees who were mostly school-returnees after several years of hibernating from school. Classes for the meantime were held at the Indusrial Arts building of the Balakbak Settlement Farm School now Balakbak Elementary School. From its yearly appropriation, building gradually rose and improvement of facilities also kept pace. Similarly, enrolment increased and the service areas of the school became wider not only the nearby towns of Benguet but nearby provinces as well. GBDAIS realized its first batch of graduates in 1965 with only 23 survivors from the 48 pioneer enrollees. The late Gov. Bado Dangwa was its first Commencement Speaker in that memorable occasion.
On June 21, 1969, R.A. No. 5886 converted Benguet Vocational School into Balakbak Agro-Industrial School. The Act was authored by former Assemblyman Andres Cosalan Sr. It added a four-year secondary course in Agriculture in the school curriculum offerings and considering the felt-need of the times and the people in the service areas, additional specialized vocational courses were offered like: Radio Mechanics , Auto-Diesel Mechanics, Industrial Electricity and handicrafts. In School Year 2004-2005, Cosmetology and Business & Management were opened as additional entrepreneurial courses.
In 1974, the Omnibus law with Special budget of the defunct Bureau of Vocational Education authorized the school for the offering of a two-year Trade Technical Education (Post secondary) and eventually upgraded the position of school head from Secondary School Principal to Vocational School Administrator I. It also converted the position of teachers who were appointed to teach in the technical level from Secondary Teacher III to Junior College Instructors (now Instructors). The school offered the Two-Year Trade Curriculum in the first semester of the School Year 1975-1976 and every school year thereafter.
On February 27, 1984, Balakbak Agro-Industrial School became Gov. Bado Dangwa Agro-Industrial School in memory of the late Gov. Bado Dangwa through Batas Pambansa 720 authored by Assemblyman Andres Cosalan Sr.
On June 31, 1994, the school was authorized by the DECS to offer, in consortium with BSAT, Bachelor of Secondary Education specializing in the different technology courses and Bachelor of Elementary Education that ended automatically in the School Year 2002-2003 when the Regional Director advised the Vocational School Administrator to stop the two –year trade technical course (Post-Secondary) as a result of the Educational Commission’s creation of DepEd, TESDA and CHED. The integration law of tertiary schools to state universities within the province automatically revoked our consortium with Benguet School of Arts and Trade (BSAT).

Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad
Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad

Consequently, this school had entered into a MOA with BSU providing for a consortium between BSU & GBDAIS that this institution continues to offer BEED & BSED degree programs.BSU president Dr. Cipriano Consolacion and VSA II Dr. Mariano S. Alodos signed this consortium, with the confirmation of the Schools Division Superintendent. However, the Regional Director allowed those first year students of the Post-Secondary of 2002-2003 to continue and so the last batch graduated in SY 2005-2006. In addition, the school offers the following short-term courses; Six months Welding & Fabrication, one-year Auto –Diesel Mechanics with driving lessons and Six months High Speed Sewing as per Govt. Permit No. 007 s. 1994 and Govt. Recognition No. 003 s. 1995 which were issued on May 23, 1995 and June 30, 1995 respectively.The offering of the short -term courses was approved by the Regional Director,DECS-CAR during that year.
The school was absorbed by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) from January 1997 to December 1998. On January 1999, we were returned to DepEd –CAR. By virtue of R.A. No. 9155, we were again placed under the supervision of the Division Office last January of 2001 particularly when the Implementing Rules and regulations was issued. This was the time some of the Tech-Voc schools in the country were devocationalized. On our part, we have maintained the two-hour shop period by reducing the no. of hours in Trade Drawing to one hour per week and the other 4 hours in one week was added to the THE which became TLE and now called the Strengthened Technical Vocational Education Program (STVEP) upon issuance of DepEd Order No. 37, s. 2005 restoring the curriculum and apparently the Technical Vocational High Schools.
Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad
Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad

The issuance of DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2007 dated July 19, 2007 has took cognizance of the enabling Act that established the schools and allowed these schools to continue the two-year Post Secondary Education. The Post Secondary as well as the secondary graduates will have to undergo the National Competency Certification (NC I and NC II) to be issued by TESDA to those who will pass the competency assessment. These NC I and NC II are for graduates of Secondary Education and the NC III and NC IV are for the Post-Secondary graduates. This National Certification being issued by TESDA is recognized by the Dept. of Labor and Employment as part and parcel of ones eligibility for skilled workers in the labor force.

Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad
The school reached its present growth and status through the concerted efforts of all concerned and through the leadership of all the school heads since its beginning until now. The following school heads in chronological order has ably managed GBDAIS: Mr. Julian Corpuz, Mr. Lucino Aquino, Mr. Honorio Estera, Mr. Platon Maglalang, Mr. Abundio F. Luzadas, Mr. Policarpio R. Sabado, Dr. Mariano S. Alodos (the ist Igorot & ist alumni to head the school and the last to occupy the position of the office of a Vocational School Administrator) and Dr. Jimmy D. May-os (the present Sch. Head, 2nd Igorot and 2nd alumni to head the sch. now holding the position of a School principal since Mr. Estera).

GBDAIS EXTENSION at Taba-ao, Kapangan, Benguet

Another turning point of our school’s history is the establishment of its Extension.
 In 2007, GBDAIS Ext. came into existence due to the popular clamor of the people of Taba-ao to open a high school in their place to reduce their financial burden, to directly oversee their children’s’ well-being & other parents’ concerns that eventually convinced the initiators to work  harder for its realization. So by virtue of Joint Resolution No. 1, S. 2007 of the Barangay Council & NGO of Taba-ao requested from the DepEd Reg’l Office & DepEd Benguet Division Office to allow the GBDAIS-Main the opening of its extension school in Barangay Taba-ao. The following initiated/contributed to the realization of our extension;
1.       VSA II Mariano S. Alodos who supported the opening of GBDAIS Ext.- he offered the manpower of GBDAIS Main
2.       Laginia-Anton Clan, Inc. (LACI), who was represented by Professor Jimmy Fong of UP-Baguio, provided the initial finances
3.       Former Mayor of Kapangan & Board Member Rogelio Leon and Kapangan Municipal Council, they made the necessary endorsement to the higher offices.
4.       DepEd-CAR Regional Director Benito Tumamao and SDS Mary B. Namuhe, they approved the opening of the Ext. school.
GBDAIS Ext. first batch of enrollees in 2007  was 89 and its present enrolment this SY in Grade 7 is 55, Grade 8 is 54, 3rd yr. is 63, 4th yr is 47 with a total of 219. At present, the extension school is headed by a Head teacher III, Dr. Cherrelene A. Comom with 7 permanent teachers and I contractual teacher.
Presently, GBDAIS –Main is being manned by a School Principal I, 4 Dept.heads (the Facilitative, Academic, Tech-Voc. & Makabayan Depts.), one Guidance Counselor designate, one School Nurse designate, one School Librarian, 4 Master Teachers, 3 Instructors, 14 T-III,
2 T-II, 13 T-I (8 permanents, 5 cont’l) and 15 Support Staff (11 Permanent, 4 Casual) with a total of 58. GBDAIS Main and Its Ext. has a total of 67 active working force.
Being one of the 282 Tech-Voc public secondary schools in the country, GBDAIS Main Together with its extension, implement the Strengthen Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP) and adopt the Competency-Based curriculum for the 3rd & 4th yrs. and at the same time implement the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum with the roll-out of grades 7 and 8 which started SY 2012-2013 in accordance with DepEd Order No. 67, s. 2012. Under this DepEd Order, the mandatory subjects are Trade drawing in Grades 7 & 8, Internet & Computing fundamentals (ICF) in Grades 7, 8 & 9 and Entrepreneurship in Grades 9 & 10 will be offered as separate subjects under the STVEP.
Moreover, last summer of 2013, the School Head VSA II Mariano S. Alodos received a letter from BSU President Dr. Ben D. Ladilad dated May 24, 2013 informing the Suspension of the Renewal & Implementation of the Consortium Agreement with the Benguet State University and GBDAIS because accdg. to the letter, there is a need to review the consortium to pave the way for the university to be able to institute the necessary reforms of the programs under this scheme and make an evaluation if this scheme is beneficial and effective to our students. So BSU requested formally the school to inform the students under the consortium to enroll with the university in the main campus or at the two external campuses- Bokod and Buguias where the same courses are being offered. They further requested to furnish the university the academic records of the students enrolled under this program. At present, we maintain the Two Year Technical or Post Secondary. The enrolment in Tech I is 25 and tech II is 30 with a total of 55 students.

Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad
Photo courtesy of Jovelyn Suclad

Our school enrolment had been increasing since SY 1996-1997 to 2002-2003 then it started decreasing during the initial implementation of the Bridge Program until the SY 2010-2011. It was observed that when our enrolment in the Post secondary was increasing, our Secondary enrolment was also increasing. When the Post secondary was stopped, our enrolment in the secondary started to decrease. Our enrollment was also affected by the establishment of new secondary schools within the municipality and adjacent municipalities from other provinces. However, it was noted that enrolment has stabilized for the past two years and continuously increasing. Our enrolment for this School Year in the ff. year levels are; Grade 7 is 178, Grade 8 is 127, Grade 9 is 121, Grade 10 is 127 and this School Year, we offered the early Implementation of Senior high school that started with Grade 11 with 27 enrollees We have 553 junior high school students and 27 grade 11 Senior high school students having a total of 580 students. For the Grade 11, the courses offered are Foods technology NC1 & NC II; Cosmetology NC I & NC II and SMAW NC I & NC II.
It is hope that through the cooperation of all concerned, this school will continue to evolve as a dynamic learning institution that will cater to the needs of our communities.


Like the any other municipality in the province, Kapangan also has the cañao as part of its tradition. Solibao, Gangsa, Pinsak and Takik are their musical instruments and have the song Day-eg and Bad-iw. Tayaw and Sadong are their native dances.
Kapangan has two major dialects namely, Ibaloi and Kankanaey. Kankaney is widely spoken by most of the barangays however most of the people in the town understand both dialect.


The municipality is agricultural with 13,711.27 has. total land area devoted to agriculture. Of the total agricultural land area, 488.01 has. of which is irrigated while 13,223.26 has. is rainfed. The main crops being planted are palay, cassava, camote and gabi, coffee and banana. Tiger grass are also being produced and are made into softbrooms. Trade and industry in the municipality are limited to small business establishments and cottage industries.

Kapangan has different social organization may it be government mandated or private groups who wish to support the programs of the municipality. Manny Fermin, the current town mayor is supportive of these organizations and help them possible in their programs. One particular group I’d like to stress out in this blog is the Laguinia Anton Clan Incorporated (LACI). The organization is composed by a family who was born in the place and had huge success in their field of business - Pines Supermart, Calajo, Balikbayan Handicraft, and Good fire Stoves to name a few.
This organization had made a huge impact in the municipality especially in the barangay of Taba-ao. Focused in helping the community, the group has been receiving recognition because of their generosity. They established the GBDAIS Extension School which they donated one school building named after the organization. They continued their support in the school by donating books, school supplies and even monetary aids to the students and especially to locally paid teachers.

Kapangan is one of the most visited municipalities in the province of Benguet not only because it was dubbed as the hometown of Mestizas and Mestizos but because of its amazing sceneries. In this blog, I’d like to feature the tourist attraction that is present in barangay - Taba-ao. For complete list of attractions in the municipality, here is the link to the official website of the province of Benguet showcasing the beauty spots of the town.
Perhaps the most famous attractions of the town since the bridge become an instant stop over long journey to nearby province and barangays. The river flows from Ilocos Sur and it supplies irrigation to farmers and local fishes to people living nearby.
This mountain has its best view in the barangay. Famous for its cone shape similar to the Mayon Volcano, it attracts passerby and became one of the trademark scenery of the municipality.

It is a potential natural attraction found in Balakbak, Kapangan. This mountain, when viewed from a distance, displays the head of a man and other features depending on how one looks at it. It also depicts the face of Santa Claus. Baguio City to Balakbak is only 45 kilometers via the Acop- Kapangan- Kibungan road. From the municipal hall to the site is 14 kilometers. 

It is a potential natural attraction found in Beleng-Belis. These mountains offer scenic views of the lowlands and other parts of Benguet. Visitors may also do activities like trekking, mountain climbing, nature communing, and others. From Baguio City, this range called the Dontog is 43 kilometers away. Dakiwagan and Upper Amanayao, are nearer. The farthest in terms of walking distance from the Barangay station is Mt. Amanayao with 12-kilometer distance, for about 4 hours hike. Balabag is 10 kilometer away; Dakiwagan, about 4 kms; and Amkiyet, only 2.5 kilometers. 
It is a potential natural attraction found in Taba-ao. Bolinsak cave is along the Bolinsak creek. It is also called Bulalakao because it is the dwelling place of bulalakao, a bird that appears only during the night making a sort of scary sound and noise. Dazzling and picturesque stalagmites and stalactites as intact inside the cave. From the view deck located beside the entrance to the cave, one can look over the quaint countryside and the mountainous hinterlands. It is 36 kilometers away from La Trinidad and about 100 meters walk from the main road. 
It is a potential natural attraction found in Beleng-Belis. It is located at the foot of Mt. Balabag. Tourists and visitors with time to enjoy the hinterlands can go trekking, camping, spelunking and picnic activities. The cave has a variety of delightful stalagmite and stalactites has feast for the eyes only. It is about 41 kilometers away from the City of Baguio via the Tublay- Kapangan road and then another 3 hour hike from the Barangay station. 

It is a potential natural attraction found in Balakbak. The cave is located at the foot of Mt. Dakiwagan. It has a number of entrance and an  egress points. The scenic views inside the cave include a massive complex of rock columns and pillars that make the floors and ceiling more attractive. Intact stalactites and stalagmites are captivating by them selves.It is about 14 kilometers away from the municipal hall at Lomon and about 45 kilometers away from the City of Baguio. PUJs and mini-buses ply to the barangay but without definite schedule. 

It is a potential natural attraction found in Beleng- Belis. Pul-agan is about 20 meters in height. Cotinge has a height of about 30 meters. Ginawang has about 25 meters in height; and Dageyadey, about 15 meters. These falls offer swimming and picnic activities. These falls could be reached via Tublay- Kapangan road. It is 40 kilometers away from La Trinidad. 
This is a four-hectare unique anthurium plantation privately owned and managed by Mr. Burcio. Different varieties of anthurium are planted in between naturally grown trees and shrubs without much alteration to the natural contour and information of the place. 
This was engineered and built by the native farmers of Barangay Balakbak. It is a symbol of skill and industry of the farmers. 
One can reach these terraces via Tublay-Kapangan road. Available transport vehicles are those plying the Kibungan, Beleng-Belis and Balakbak routes

The former campsite of the 66th Infantry, United Air Force in the Philippines, Northern Luzon (USAFP, NL). It was here where the group of Major Bado Dangwa and Major Dennis Molintas hide American officials from the pursuing Japanese forces. 


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