
Showing posts from April, 2018


Is technology a culture? I can still remember that during my elementary days, I still don’t know what technology is or perhaps because I live away from the city where living is so simple. How we define technology is only on how it is written in the textbooks in our school that says it is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. I only knew then that technology is for first world countries where robots and big machines are found. Now, with the advent of internet one can clearly understand that technology is not only found in highly industrialized countries. It is found everywhere and it makes life easier. Perhaps the most common example of technology when asked is a phone. Regardless if it is a basic or a smartphone, a phone is intendent to send and receive text and voice messages. But nowadays, phone became a necessity used in the workplace, in the house and elsewhere. Without a phone, one can’t move since everything is in t...